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Why its Beneficial to Hire Offshore Developers for Your Next Project

Discover why hiring offshore developers can be a game-changer for your startup. Learn how to access top global talent and reduce costs by up to 80%, and accelerate development.
September 30, 2024
Written by Tim Sherstyuk
Why Hire Offshore Developers
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Key Takeaways:

  • Hiring offshore developers can save startups 40-70% on software development costs compared to local hiring.
  • Offshore software development teams enable extended working hours and faster time-to-market by leveraging time zone differences.
  • Offshore development provides flexibility to scale dedicated development teams up or down quickly as needed.
  • Successful companies like WhatsApp and Klout have leveraged offshore software development in their early stages.

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For tech startups, speed and efficiency are everything. Yet, 29% of startups fail because they run out of cash, and 23% fail because they don't have the right team (source).

If your startup is based in the USA, you might pay $120,000 or more annually for a skilled software developer. But you can access equally talented developers for 80% less cost. (Yes, you read that right!).

This is why more and more startups prefer hiring offshore developers.

If you want to maximize your runway, speed up product development, and gain a competitive edge (which founder wouldn't, right?) hiring offshore developers is a smart move. This article explores the key benefits of hiring offshore developers and why it might be the right move for your next project.

Who Are Offshore Developers?

Offshore developers are software engineers, programmers, or other IT professionals hired from a country different from where your company is based. These developers work remotely, often in teams, to deliver software development services to their clients.

Offshore development has become increasingly popular due to advancements in communication technologies, project management tools, and the growing need for businesses to access global tech talent. Countries in Eastern Europe, Latin America, and Asia have emerged as popular destinations for offshore software development due to their large pools of skilled developers.

Top Benefits of Hiring Offshore Developers for Business Owners

1. Significant Cost Savings

For founders, especially those running startups or bootstrapped companies, cost efficiency is crucial. Hiring offshore developers can save up to 40% to 70% compared to hiring locally.

i. Lower Labor Costs: Many offshore countries have lower costs of living. This means the salary expectations. For instance, the average salary for a software developer in San Francisco is around $120,000 per year, you can hire equally skilled remote developers in countries like India for about $30,000-$40,000 annually, or in Eastern Europe for $40,000-$50,000 (source 1) (source 2). That's a potential saving of 60-75% on labor costs alone.

ii. Reduced Overhead Expenses: When you hire an offshore development team, you skip the need for office space, equipment, and infrastructure. In tech hubs like San Francisco or New York, the average office cost per employee ranges from $14,000 to $18,000 per year (source). By going offshore, you eliminate this expense entirely.

iii. Access to a Larger Talent Pool at a Lower Cost: Offshore software development outsourcing allows you to tap into a vast talent pool of skilled developers. For example, South America produces about 2 million engineering graduates annually, many specializing in IT and software development. This larger supply of talent contributes to more competitive rates.

iv. Reduced Recruitment Costs: The average cost-per-hire in the U.S. tech industry is around $4,000. Offshore development companies often handle recruitment, potentially saving you thousands in hiring costs.

For a typical startup, reducing development costs by 50%-80% can be a boon. They can extend the runway by several months or even double their marketing spend.

2. Time Zone Advantage

The time difference between your company and your offshore development team can be quite powerful. But it requires strategic management.

i. Extended Working Hours: With a well-structured offshore team, you can extend your effective working day to 16-18 hours. Suppose you're based in San Francisco and working with a team in Eastern Europe. You have a 10-hour overlap to collaborate, followed by 6-8 hours where the offshore team can work independently.

ii. Faster Time-to-Market: This extended workday can significantly reduce your time-to-market. Case in point: Skype, during its early days, leveraged its Estonian development team to achieve a 24-hour development cycle. This contributed to its rapid growth.

iii. Overnight Problem Solving: Time zone differences allow for overnight problem-solving. Your offshore team can work on issues that arise during your workday. This can potentially save you days of back-and-forth. For instance, if you're in New York and your team is in India, you can report a bug at 6 PM your time, and wake up to a solution.

iv. Improved Code Quality: The time gap allows for code review cycles to happen while you sleep. Your offshore team can submit code at the end of their day, which you can review at the start of yours. This can lead to faster iteration cycles.

However, it's crucial to implement effective strategies to manage these time differences:

i. Overlap Windows: Establish a 2-3 hour overlap in working hours for real-time collaboration. Tools like Every Time Zone can help plan these windows effectively.

ii. Asynchronous Communication: Use tools like Slack or Asana for asynchronous updates. This ensures clear communication without requiring constant real-time interaction.

iii. Clear Documentation: Implement thorough documentation practices. Tools like Notion or Confluence can help maintain a single source of truth for project details.

iv. Regular Check-ins: Schedule brief daily standups during overlap hours to ensure alignment and quickly address any blockers.

In fact, you can reduce your development cycles and get your product to market faster than relying solely on local teams.

3. Access to Specialized Skills and Expertise

Every business needs specialized skills. Sometimes they are hard to find or expensive to hire locally. Offshore development opens up access to a wide range of specialized skills and expertise:

i. AI and Machine Learning: According to a 2021 Stanford AI Index Report, Eastern Europe and Asia are rapidly growing AI hubs. For instance, China and India together produce 77% of the world's AI conference papers, indicating a deep talent pool in these regions.

  • An AI developer in the US might cost $150,000-$250,000 annually (source)
  • Similar talent in India might cost $40,000-$80,000 (source)
  • In Eastern Europe it can cost around $60,000-$100,000 (source)

ii. DevOps and Cloud Architecture: India is a major hub for DevOps talent. It has a huge number of AWS and Azure-certified professionals.

  • DevOps engineers in the US often earn $120,000-$180,000 annually (source)
  • In India, you might pay $30,000-$60,000 for similar expertise (source)

iii. Mobile App Development: The State of European Tech 2021 report highlighted Eastern Europe, particularly Ukraine and Poland, as hotspots for mobile app development talent.

  • Mobile app developers in the US typically earn $100,000-$150,000 annually (source)
  • In Eastern Europe, you might pay $40,000-$70,000 for comparable skills (source)

4. Flexibility and Scalability

For startups, especially in the tech space, the ability to pivot quickly and scale efficiently is very crucial. Offshore development can provide the flexibility and scalability needed to stay competitive. Here's how:

i. Rapid MVP Development and Iteration: According to a CB Insights report, the second most common reason startups fail is running out of cash before achieving product-market fit. If you hire offshore software developers, the costs will be way lower. So you can test multiple ideas quickly without burning through your runway. This speed-to-market can be crucial in securing early funding.

  • Slack is now valued at billions. But they initially used an offshore team to develop its first version. This allowed them for rapid iteration and faster time-to-market.

ii. Flexible Team Composition Need to scale up for a big project or scale down after a launch? Offshore development makes this easier. You can adjust your team size as needed without the long-term commitments of full-time hires. This flexibility is particularly valuable when you're still finding your product-market fit.

iii. Cost-Effective Scaling:  I have discussed this in a previous point, but let me say that again. Scaling a development team in tech hubs like Silicon Valley or New York is expensive. Offshore development allows you to scale your team size without scaling your costs proportionally. This can significantly extend your runway or free up capital for other crucial areas like marketing or sales.

5. Focus on Core Business Functions

i. Reallocating Founder Time:

  • Working with an offshore software development company can free up your time.
  • Regularly assess your time allocation. Aim to increase time spent on customer interviews, strategic partnerships, and fundraising.

ii. Accelerating Product-Market Fit:

  • Companies that test more iterations are more likely to find product-market fit quickly.
  • You can use the resources freed up by offshore development to run more frequent experiments and feature tests. Focus on validating key hypotheses about your product and market.

iii. Improving Sales and Marketing Focus:

  • Sales and marketing are very crucial to reach revenue milestones faster.
  • You can reinvest a portion of your offshore development savings into sales and marketing initiatives. Monitor the impact on customer acquisition and lifetime value.

💡 Key Metrics to Monitor: To gauge the impact of your offshore strategy on core business functions, consider tracking:

  • Founder time allocation (strategic vs. operational tasks)
  • Product development velocity
  • Customer acquisition rate
  • Burn rate and runway
  • Time to reach key business milestones

The exact implementation will vary based on your startup's specific needs and stage. Regularly review and adjust your approach to align with your evolving business goals.

Potential Challenges and How to Overcome Them

There are numerous benefits to hiring an offshore software development team. But it's important to be aware of potential challenges and how to address them:

1. Communication Challenges

It's not just about language barriers, though these can be significant. Cultural differences in communication styles can lead to misunderstandings.

  • For example, team members from some cultures might be hesitant to disagree openly or ask questions. This can sometimes lead to misaligned expectations.
  • Additionally, the lack of face-to-face interaction can make it difficult to build rapport with the team.


  • Use Slack for real-time messaging. Use dedicated channels for different projects or teams.
  • Use Jira or Trello for task management. Make sure assignment and progress tracking are clear.
  • Schedule regular video calls with your offshore software developer. Address any issues they might be facing with the projects.

2. Time Zone Management

Time zone differences can impact project timelines and team collaboration. Your offshore team is several hours ahead of or behind your time zone - though if you hire nearshore, you'll save this headache. It can lead to delays in communication and decision-making. When you schedule team meetings, some team members might have to work outside their normal hours.


  • Optimize your development workflow:
    • Hire team to match your timezone (ex. Latin American workers already live in US timezones), or implement a "follow-the-sun" model. Work is passed between time zones for continuous progress.
    • Use GitLab or GitHub for version control for seamless code handoffs.
    • Leverage CircleCI or Jenkins for continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD). This automates testing and deployment across time zones.
  • Schedule a daily overlap for synchronous communication. Use tools like Calendly to simplify scheduling across time zones.
  • Establish clear processes and detailed documentation of work completed and next steps.
  • Use asynchronous communication tools like Loom for video updates that can be viewed at convenient times.

3. Maintaining Code Quality

Different developers often have varying coding styles, standards, and practices. Without proper oversight, this can lead to inconsistent code. Sometimes miscommunication can lead to misinterpretation of requirements. This may result in code that doesn't meet project specifications.


  • Implement a quality assurance process:
    • Use SonarQube for continuous code quality inspection.
    • Implement pair programming sessions using VS Code Live Share. This allows knowledge sharing and real-time code review.
    • Use Codecov for code coverage analysis to ensure thorough testing.
    • Establish "quality gates" in your CI/CD pipeline. This automatically blocks merges that don't meet predefined quality standards.
  • Create and maintain a detailed guide and coding standards document.

4. Ensuring Data Security

When working with offshore teams, data security and intellectual property (IP) protection is very important. Your startup's proprietary information, customer data, and innovative ideas are your most valuable assets


  • Choose an offshore software development company with strong security protocols.
  • Implement non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) and clear data handling policies.
  • Implement end-to-end encryption for all communications. You can use tools like Signal for sensitive discussions.
  • Use cloud-based development environments like AWS Cloud9 or GitHub Codespaces to keep source code off local machines.
  • Regularly backup your data and implement a clear data deletion policy.

5. Cultural Differences

Another point to consider is cultural differences. Different work cultures and expectations can sometimes lead to misalignments.


  • Use project kickoff meetings to align on work styles, feedback mechanisms, and other important stuffs.
  • Focus on clear deliverables and outcomes rather than dictating specific work hours or methods.
  • Create a shared calendar marking important holidays and cultural events for all team members. This will foster a good team culture.

Case Studies: Successful Offshore Development in Tech Companies

1. WhatsApp

In their early days, cofounder Jan Koum outsourced software development to Russia. This helped WhatsApp save money while still getting great engineers to work on their app. These offshore developers built the main parts of WhatsApp's system. As WhatsApp grew bigger, they slowly started hiring more in-house engineers in California. This shows how offshore development can help a company start small and grow quickly.

2. Klout

Klout, a former social media analytics company, also benefited from offshore development. They set up a development center in Singapore. Their team was spread in different time zones. This allowed Klout to function round-the-clock. Klout was able to innovate faster and stay competitive in the rapidly changing social media landscape.


So if you want to speed up your software development projects and manage costs, you must hire offshore developers.

However, success with offshore development requires careful planning and clear communication. Understand both the benefits and challenges of hiring offshore development teams.

Offshore developers can be a game-changer for your business. If you're just starting out and building your first product, or if you're looking to grow your existing company, offshore teams can help. They can give your startup the extra push it needs in today's fast-moving tech world. The key is to find the right offshore partner and use smart strategies. With this approach, you can tap into global talent and take your business to the next level.

Whether you're a startup, a small business, or a larger company, there's likely an offshore developer who can meet your needs and help drive your business forward. Tell us your needs, and we'll take care of the rest. Fill out a quick form, and we'll be in touch within 24 hours to help you find top developers at affordable rates.

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Tim Sherstyuk